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Showing posts from August, 2019

2 Years Sober!

Whoa. I haven't had a drink in 2 years. TWO YEARS! In retrospect, the years I spent as an active drinker seem way further in the past than that, possibly because I only drank during 2 months out of the past 3 years. But still! I respect official dates! The girl who used to struggle to string together 3 days without a cider now sits comfortably on her couch without having had any in 730 days.  My thoughts about drinking/alcohol dependence/mom wine culture etc; have ebbed and flowed, like a river, over the past 2 years.  Here's how it played out: LEADING UP TO 1 YEAR SOBER: *Needed to keep myself in active education. Reading, networking, blogging. All things about drinking and giving up. I needed to understand why alcohol became my go-to. I needed to sort out my feelings about how much of my life I had numbed out (almost all of it?). I had to get to the root of the habit. *Focused a lot on milestones. 3 months, 6 months, 9 months sober etc; *Still felt a lot