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Swiss Miss: Marriage, Travel and International Relocation


It feels so good to type. I missed it.
The past month has been a whirlwind of travelling, marriage preparations and execution, parties and visits with friends and families.

It feels like the first time in a loooooong time that I have been able to sit (on my new comfortable Swiss couch, no less) and relax and let myself get back into the story-telling.

So, in a nutshell, everything went better than I could have possibly imagined.

Here's the listicle of what's been going on, in chronological order:

1. Thomas arrived in Montreal on July 23

The reunion was wonderful- as expected.
We hadn't seen each other since he went back to Switzerland at the end of March.

We only had a few days in Montreal before we departed for Barbados.

Reunited for good....with more hair than ever before

My beautiful engagement/wedding/love ring! So perfect.

2. I had my last day of work on July 28th

This was a huge moment for me. I had spent far too many years shackled to corporate jobs that sucked the creative life out of me. I can say this now, openly.

My perfectionist nature is partly to blame for my experiences; even if I could have put in less than 100% effort, I wouldn't have, because it's in my nature to work hard and get EVERYTHING done. Even if that everything is impossible (it was).

Leaving this job freed me from so much deadweight stress and unhappiness that I had been carrying around. I felt more like myself the minute I walked out of there.

Yeah! Fuck corporate jobs that kill your inspiration and make you forget that you were born to LIVE.

3. We travelled to Barbados on July 31, got married on August 3, and returned to Montreal on August 8

This was THE BEST WEEK. We had a beautiful boutique hotel room with close to 800sf of space, including a wrap-around balcony overlooking the ocean.

We ate and drank with the locals, walked on the beaches, spent LOTS of time chilling in the hot tub...oh, WE ALSO GOT MARRIED!

The wedding was magical.

We got ready at our hotel (Thomas was quarantined on the balcony while I was getting dolled up by my hair and makeup girls), and then drove to a secluded beach on the West Coast of Barbados for the ceremony.

We said our own vows, drank champagne on the beach and frolicked around while our photographer snapped pictures of us.

Afterwards, we had an amazing dinner at The Cliff- hands down the most beautiful restaurant I have ever been to.

Feeling quite pleased with my choice of husband

The best love <3

So once we were wed and all excited about our new "statuses" (we kept looking at our rings and making cute husband and wife references), I got a nasty throat infection two days before flying home.

I was feverish and delirious, but Thomas took good care of me and I made it home safely.
Antibiotics were issued the next day and things cleared up pretty quickly.

4. We had a wedding celebration/going away party to celebrate with our friends and family on August 13

This was super, super fun and also very bittersweet.

We had about 60 guests who came to celebrate our marriage with us.
We were really happy to have the opportunity to see all of the people that we are close to in Montreal before leaving for Switzerland.
One of my oldest and dearest friends, Michelle
My sea-ster!
Dancing with my nephew, Xavier

A million photos of our love <3

5. We flew to Switzerland on August 15 to settle into our new life!

The "back to reality" moment! We have been in Switzerland for just about two weeks.
It hasn't been the easiest transition for me, so far, just because I am not used to living in a small Switzerland.

I love Montreal, and it will take some time to shift from urban girl to small-town villager (LOL).

No, it's really not that bad. There is everything I need here: lots of cheese, a LUSH store, some pretty sweet mountains, my dog and my hubs.

Having the opportunity to be a housewife for a little while is quite nice, too.



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