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Spending Time In The Shadows

The past couple of months have been kind of challenging. 

A mix of homesickness, foggy weather, 16-hour a day parenting shifts and postpartum hormonal readjustment...that's quite a lot for anyone to have to deal with at the same time, right?

I have always been proud of myself for persevering, for getting myself back into the sunshine after tough times, and I'm definitely on my way. This period of moody blues has given me some much needed time to reflect on certain things, though, and for that, I  am grateful.

Without the shadows, how could we possibly know the light?

Without life pushing you into discomfort temporarily, how would we know grace and acceptance? (Of self and others)

Without the dark times, there just wouldn't be room for growth, for change, for transformation.

Of course, when you're in the thick of it, it doesn't seem so promising. It's hard to tap into the wisdom of the Universe when you feel kind of low, but that's exactly when we need to rely on our guides even more.

So here are few of the things I've learnt in the past few weeks, as I am working on getting myself out of this temporary slump and back into the sunshine!

It's important that we forgive ourselves, even if others don't

Yep. We all know that we are our own biggest critics. That horrible voice (which has been referred to as "The Chatterbox" in a book I recently read) can definitely dampen our spirits and make us feel like a bag of dicks.
We're SO damn hard on ourselves, and it can actually make us unwell.
It's time to go easy, let things go.
Little things, big things, all things that don't serve you or make you feel good!
Go easy.
Mistakes are learning curves, and push you closer and closer to balance and bliss...IF YOU LET THEM.
Don't let life's experiences harden you.
Stay open.
Let things teach you, and then let them pass through you.

I have the world's best husband and kids

Could I love the man I married any more than I do? Wow. 

What a rock. He allows me to be sad/moody/lonely/overtired etc; in the most wonderfully supportive way.
In a safe place.

He does extra every damn day to help me out.
No complaints ever.
And, on the subject of complaints, he has to deal with me being a whiny biatch when I'm tired/anxious/tired/sad that the sun's not out/missing home etc etc etc.
He literally holds me up like a support beam when I need him to.
He's one of the main incentives I have to get myself back to bubbly and joyful.

And the babies.

Oh my goodness.

I don't know how one girl got so lucky to have been blessed with two of the sweetest, silliest and more loving boys in the world. 
High energy, but they are just balls of love and laughs.

Hi Husband! The best guy in the world. This was right before our spa date 2 weeks ago. 

When your big baby teaches your little baby how to use a sippy cup! Cutest thing ever.

Just holding hands on a walk like bros do. <3

It's fun to look forward to better times, and know that they are on their way

They are! The clouds always pass. The fog lessens. 

The kids grow up a little bit and stop demanding round-the-clock attention. 

The schedule gets a bit less hectic.

You start to use the in-laws more for babysitting and go back to dating your husband and going out with friends.

You realize that the darkness makes for great writing material. You publish that damn book. 

You go to the beach and allow yourself to slow down and enjoy the sun and watch your babies play.

And you'll eventually come to appreciate just how much you did, in 2 short years. And how much you've changed.

And how much better music sounds now, and how much stronger your love is for everyone.

And how much less you care about what other people think of you. 

And how much less angry and sad you are.

And how it all had a purpose, all along.


P.S. My dear friend Sally is helping me "get my sparkle back". She is an amazing trained and certified coach and nutritionist.
You can visit her here:


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