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Showing posts from June, 2019

A Few Days Of Strange Happenings...

Horrible happenings! I know that focusing on, and listing all the shitty things that have happened recently is probably a terrible idea, but I'm gonna do it anyway! You know how much I love terrible ideas. Seriously though, writing everything out helps me to process the underlying themes, messages and significances of these events. It also provides an emotional release, which is always beneficial to spirit when you've had a few intense days. So, since Saturday, the following things have happened, leading me to believe that I'm cursed or being pointed towards some sort of lesson for growth (probably the latter, but it feels kind of like a curse sometimes haha) On Saturday, I had to bring Theo to the doctor because he was having an asthma attack. He was diagnosed with asthmatic bronchitis, and has been taking Ventolin to clear it up, since. The next morning, when I called my mom to tell her about Theo's health, she told me that my uncle had an angina attack wh