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A Few Days Of Strange Happenings...

Horrible happenings! I know that focusing on, and listing all the shitty things that have happened recently is probably a terrible idea, but I'm gonna do it anyway! You know how much I love terrible ideas.
Seriously though, writing everything out helps me to process the underlying themes, messages and significances of these events.
It also provides an emotional release, which is always beneficial to spirit when you've had a few intense days.

So, since Saturday, the following things have happened, leading me to believe that I'm cursed or being pointed towards some sort of lesson for growth (probably the latter, but it feels kind of like a curse sometimes haha)

  • On Saturday, I had to bring Theo to the doctor because he was having an asthma attack. He was diagnosed with asthmatic bronchitis, and has been taking Ventolin to clear it up, since.

  • The next morning, when I called my mom to tell her about Theo's health, she told me that my uncle had an angina attack while golfing, and needed to have double bypass surgery.

  • THEN, we find out that ANOTHER uncle (my husband's uncle) is in the hospital with pneumonia. He started to feel very sick while on vacation in Italy; his rental car also exploded in fire while they were driving through a tunnel, there. WTF

  • We keep breaking things. First, Theo pulled a huge jar filled with dry pasta down from a shelf, Thomas broke a cereal bowl last night, and I just opened up the oven drawer to find that a casserole dish was broken. 
I loved this thing and now it's broken :( At least it's from IKEA and we can afford a replacement

Legitimately pulled POSSESSIONS revered in my Rune reading this morning. Life seems to be forcing me to take inventory of what really matters to me. I swear, it's not my stuff! It's my people!!! <3

  • I sliced open my thumb with a way-too-sharp knife (married to a chef, must use extra caution!) while cutting up strawberries for the boys. Looked up the significance of cutting left thumb and it basically indicated that I worry too much (did not need to cut thumb to know that!) and that motivation needs a boost. I can dig.

  • Had a horrible panic attack yesterday. Pushed myself to go out for a walk, even though I was mentally and physically exhausted. It was extremely hot and humid, and I was just not feeling energized, but I pushed anyways. By the time I got into town, I was done. Had to sit down on the steps of the Congress Center for like 20 minutes to get my strength and breathing back to normal. Walked home and burst into tears when I got in the door. What is coming up here? So many emotions. It was like the straw that broke the camel's back (or the second camel. I also burst out in tears when I cut my thumb open, but that one really hurt!!!)

  • Jake cut his gums this morning face-planting into the couch. Minor injury, but still! When will it end?!
So that's the scoop on my doom and gloom for this week. I am keeping my sense of humour about the situation (while staying indoors where it's safe LOL) and resting as much as I can, cause I know I'm exhausted and need some self-care. Taking care of a sick baba, running after two insanely energetic toddlers's a lot. 

Hubby is being very supportive, as usual, and has Civil Protection duty this week, so he's home much earlier, and that is good!

Hoping that the rest of the week brings miraculous shifts, safe encounters in the kitchen, and good health to all.

Also, shout-out to things that did go right, like being published in a magazine, working on the marketing side of my writing career, having a husband that loves and takes care of me.

Also, I know that the whole concept of good/bad and right/wrong and all tied to egotistical desires of specific outcomes. So like, everything is divinely perfect, always, I just have had a hard few days .

P.S. The two uncles' are recovering well, as is Theo <3

P.P.S. I forgot to mention that I spilled half a litre of milk in the microwave before.


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