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Almost Published!

I am going to be published in a matter of weeeeeeeeks!!!


I have been dreaming/bucket-listing publishing a book for YEARS, and the dream is finally becoming a reality this spring!!!!

The original idea was to write about my sobriety journey. Though I am still super passionate about sober living (Day 543!) , and sharing that part of my story, I wrote a few chapters and then felt STUCK. 

The book wasn't budging. I literally tried everything to inspire myself. 
Read dozens of books in the quit-lit category. 
Wrote in a journal. 
Read back though old material. 

The project just wasn't ready to be born.

I felt stuck, and it made me feel really...not good. 

I wanted to write, but it just wasn't coming. 

So then, on November 11, 2018 (11/11) I went to bed and sent out a little request to the Universe. I had read that 11/11/18 was one of the most powerful manifesting dates in the past several hundred years, so I gave it a shot.

I asked for divine inspiration! 

Believe it or not, I woke up that very night, middle of the night, with an incredible surge of creativity, and a desire to write a poem. 
I took out my phone's notepad feature, and started to write. 

The words were just flowing out.

Two days later, I had eleven poems written.

They just kept coming to me.

For two and a half months, I wrote poems, edited them, rewrote them, deleted them. It was a super purifying and healing process, as a lot of the poems helped me put words to past traumas and work though some old, sad stuff.

Soon enough, I had so many poems, that I decided to publish.

I put my manuscript together, sent it off to Balboa House ( they are a division of Hay House, my dream publishing house!!!) and now I am in the creative stages of design and formatting.

I can't even believe this is happening, but at the same time, a part of me always knew that I would do great things with my writing.

So there you have it.

A little update on what I've been up to.

Writing poems (for the first time in my life, for the record).

I can't wait to share the concept/theme and PUBLISHED COLLECTION this spring!!!

I am bursting with excitement, but don't want to share too many details until I'm published!

Until then, you have to deal with my very infrequent blog updates.

Will try to get that more regular now that I am not so busy writing a damn book!!!

Just an author in the forest! Photo by Ella Brown.


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