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INTRODUCING...Things That Shine: Poems


I published a damn book!

My book has been born! <3

This is definitely the best natural high I have ever experienced (not counting getting married, birthing babies etc...)

I'm so damn proud of myself.

For so many years, I just wanted to share my feelings, thoughts and words with the world. 

This project is so dear to my heart.

So many fears, doubts and insecurities were given the ultimate send-off when I bravely opened my heart and decided that I was going to be vulnerable and share my story.

The truth is, I needed to write these words.
I need them as much as any outside reader might.
This project has healed so many scars that were still stinging (even if just a little).

So, without further ado, here is my newest baby.

Things That Shine: Poems
WRITTEN BY: Ariane Signer
Published by: Balboa Press

You can order it on Amazon, Book Depository, Barnes & Noble, or by following this link to order directly from my publisher's website:


  1. I invite you to the page where see how much we have in common. Taurus


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